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For all purposes, Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd., its subsidiaries, affiliates, brokers and franchises collectively Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are termed as "Krenovate/Company" and include any future subsidiary, affiliate, broker or franchise. The Policies and Guidelines provided herein will be applicable to Krenovate. The purpose of this document is to state the Policies and Guidelines for individuals and/or a Company which is/are associated with Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Besides policies and guidelines, this document also has certain undertakings and acknowledgements the Krenovate may ask an individual or a company to sign in order to ensure strict adherence and compliance to Company policies.

This Global Policy Booklet ("Booklet") is aimed at setting the minimum standards to be followed at Krenovate. The objectives of this Booklet are as follows:

  • To set guidelines that are to be followed by all Employees.
  • To set standards of business ethics
  • To provide general guidance for obeying the law and acting ethically
  • To foster and maintain an environment where both the management and the personnel have confidence in each other
  • Establish consistency in procedures and regulations at Krenovate


All employees (hereafter collectively referred to as "Employees"/"You"), agents, franchises, brokers, sub-contractors, vendors, consultants, clients, representatives (hereafter collectively referred to as "Representatives"), all the members of the Board of Director and the Executive Team of Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. across all locations, shall adhere to these policies, undertakings and guidelines to the extent applicable to them as per the relevant law. The applicability of these policies shall extend to any third party and anyone who has access to Krenovate facilities, as and when made applicable. Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. shall encompass the parent company, its subsidiaries and its affiliates (collectively referred to as "Krenovate" or "Company").

If any of these policies, undertakings and guidelines are held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, all other policies, undertakings and guidelines detailed will remain in full force and effect. Any of these policies, undertakings and guidelines held invalid or unenforceable or in part or degree will remain in full force and effect to the extent not held invalid or unenforceable.

Executive Team refers to the members of the senior management and includes the Chairman, CEO, COO, CFO and BU Heads.

List of Policies

  1. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
  2. End-User Computing Policy
  3. Research Ethical Guidelines
  4. Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy

List of Declarations/Undertakings

  1. Declaration regarding Trading Account(s)
  2. Non-Tampering Undertaking
  3. Acknowledgement of Punitive Action
  4. Compliance of Company Policies Undertaking

List of Annexures

  1. Annexure A
  2. Annexure B
  3. Annexure C
  4. Annexure D

Last update: July 28, 2020