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Declaration regarding Trading Account(s)

By this undertaking, I Mr./Mrs._____________________________ acknowledge and undertake that I will be bound by this undertaking from the date of joining Krenovate Solutions Group of Companies which includes Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd., its subsidiaries, affiliates, brokers and franchises (herein after referred to as "Krenovate"/"Company").

In addition to my obligations under the employment contract, other agreements, declarations, other undertakings and any other document signed by me in pursuance of my employment with Krenovate, I undertake that I will not trade in, pass information along to others, or make recommendations concerning securities about which I possess any material non-public Information, whether in my personal account, the accounts of family members or any other accounts.

At the Company's request, I will provide any or all information concerning my brokerage accounts or accounts over which I could be expected to exercise influence or control, including, but not limited to, accounts in my name or the name of a family member or significant other. I hereby authorise the Company, if it requests, to receive duplicate confirmations and monthly brokerage statements and, if the Company requests, I will assist it to receive such information directly from the broker. Any such information that I provide to the Company will be treated as confidential but may be disclosed by the Company in connection with a regulatory or judicial process.

I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the contractual obligations as entered between Krenovate and I, and I will be subject to appropriate legal action for making any false statements in the aforesaid declaration and that I conscientiously believe the statements contained in this declaration to be true in every particular.




Last update: July 28, 2020