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Compliance of Company Policies Undertaking

By this undertaking, I, Mr./Ms./Mrs._______________________________ acknowledge and undertake that I will be bound by this undertaking from the date of joining Krenovate Group of Companies which includes Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd., its subsidiaries, affiliates, brokers and franchises (hereinafter referred to as "Krenovate"/"Company").


  1. The Company has issued policies and guidelines for its employees, individuals and other entities that deal with Krenovate under the comprehensive Booklet (that has global applicability). The Employee undertakes that he/she has read, understood and is aware of all policies and guidelines that Krenovate has made available to all its Employees, for reading/reference purposes only, at all tinnes during the official working hours and agrees to adhere to and be bound by the obligations arising out of these.
  2. The Employee further undertakes that if he/she has signed any policy, undertaking or guideline with Krenovate, prior to this Booklet, then he/she shall remain bound by the same along with the policies and guidelines issued under this Booklet.
  3. The Employee further agrees (if applicable) that if he/she has been transferred from one Krenovate Company to another whether temporarily or permanently, he/she would continue to be bound by the policies as covered under this Booklet or any other previously signed policy or guideline with Krenovate.
  4. The Employee understands that in case of any modification in existing policies or introduction of a new policy or guideline, he/she shall be notified of the same and shall be bound by the same. The Employee further undertakes that he/she shall keep his self/her self updated of the changes and development in the Company policies.
  5. The Employee agrees that Krenovate has the sole right to terminate the employment (or take any other disciplinary action as appropriate) in case of breach of any of the Company's policies.
  6. In the event of any differences or disputes arising between Krenovate and the Employee, as to the interpretation, meaning or effect in consequence of this undertaking or as to the rights and responsibilities/liabilities or as to any other matter under the policies and guidelines, Krenovate's decision shall be final and binding.




Last update: July 28, 2020