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Annexure A

I, Mr./Ms./Mrs. ___________________________ S/D of _____________________________, permanent resident of ___________________________________________ with Employee Code ____________________ have read and understood the "Krenovate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics".

I agree and understand that:

  • This Code provides the general guiding principles and policies that are in place at Krenovate.
  • That at all times as an Employee or Representative of Krenovate, I need to abide and comply by this Code.
  • That compliance with this Code is each individual's personal responsibility.
  • If have questions concerning the meaning or application of this Code, any policies, regulatory requirements, I can consult my manager, the Human Resources Department, Legal Department or the Executive Team.
  • If I need to report any concern, incident or raise an issue, I can follow the procedure laid down in Krenovate's Whistleblower Policy.


Employee Name

Employee Code



Last update: July 28, 2020