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Acknowledgement of Punitive Action

By this undertaking, I, Mr./Ms.Mrs.___________________________ acknowledge and undertake that I will be bound by this undertaking from the date of joining Krenovate Group of Companies, which includes Krenovate Solutions Pvt. Ltd., its subsidiaries, affiliates, brokers and franchises (hereinafter referred to as "Krenovate"/"Company").

In addition to my obligations under the employment contract, declarations, other undertakings and any other document signed by me in pursuance of my employment with Krenovate, I shall comply with and abide by all the policies, guidelines, rules and agreements as amended from time to time. In the eventuality of breach of any of the policies, guidelines, rules and agreements, misconduct, and non-performance by me, the following punitive action will be taken:

  1. A formal disciplinary action will be taken against me by issuing a set of warnings, which can be written, verbal or both based on the facts and circumstances of the situation.
  2. If in the opinion of the Company, I am found guilty based on sufficient evidence, my employment will be terminated as per the terms of the employment contract or any other undertaking signed by me as applicable.

In addition to 1 and 2 above, the Company will have the sole discretion to take any other appropriate legal action against me.




Last update: July 28, 2020