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Training Manuals

" It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning." - Claude Bernard

Training Manuals are widely used in every aspect of business these days to improve the quality of a performed task.

The training manuals here will ensure that all training information on skills, processes and other information necessary to perform tasks is put together at one place.

The purpose of having training manuals is:

  • To organize how our employees are going to be trained through out their employment.
  • To help create a standardized plan that is going to take our employees to success.
  • To guarantee that our employees do not miss important instructions.
  • To provide step-by-step instructions for employees to reach their respective goals/requirements quicker.
  • To ensure continuity of operations when new employees are hired.
  • To help our employees to get acclimatised with the processes and procedures quickly to start their functional role in a proper and easy manner.

Below you can find few Training Manuals available to help your journey with Krenovate:

Last update: July 24, 2020